By freefall
One of the most fragile of relationships is the person beginning to work in unison with conscience. This is the seed planted that can spring into consciousness.
For those of us who are awakening, it is our responsibility to call others back to themselves. It’s not always up to us to judge whether or not they’re too far gone to hear us.
In order to take up the cause of this responsibility with the intensity required to make a difference, we must be willing to lose everything. Life isn’t about acquisition; it’s about letting go of the things holding us down.
If your ability to put yourself out there is somehow hampered by working at your job, holding on to a relationship or anything else, I suggest that you find a way out of that situation ASAP. Your destiny is not looking the other way while any intelligent person is already feeling the pull of being flushed down the drain.
These are interesting times and each must make their own choices regarding how they either fit in with the system or fit in with themselves. No punishment could be worse than selling out your birthright for a pocketful of silver.
And in the end, they’ll take that too.
The post Perfect Fit appeared first on Zen Gardner.