by Zen Gardner
This is it, folks. Last call. Gonna step up or not? This is the final fight, perhaps the last for humanity. What are you going to do? Observe, wait, watch, criticize or just ignore it all? That’s what most people have been doing – why break the streak? That’s what humanity appears to love to do.
The amount of people cratered in their own selfish cyclical lives is repugnant. The lack of response to our clearly contrived and very dangerous condition is anathema to me. It’s not that I do not understand it, it is simply unacceptable.
How can human beings watch while their world is caving in on them by clearly ill intentioned forces? Do we really think there’s nothing we can do?
Billions Arise – And It Starts with Each One of Us
We are the vast majority; we are the very beings on this planet. We live here. What will it take to arouse us? Is it all so unclear? These are questions I ask myself daily. What will it take? How can we help people awaken as to the true state of affairs we are facing?
I know I’m not alone in this pounding sentiment. Those who’ve awakened have been sounding the alarm for centuries. The question remains: when will humanity wake the hell up? What will it take? Another catastrophe – again?
The Truth is the Truth and is arising in the hearts of men by the minute. The clarity cannot be shirked anymore. It’s spreading like wildfire. But it needs to activate. And it needs to manifest now!
Why Is This the Last Chance?
My retort is, does it matter? The Truth is what it is, face it and come to terms with it. The grand historical context is no concern to someone about to lose their home, their health, their livelihood, their personal freedom or even their life. It comes down to now and taking personal responsibility and action.
The remarkable aspect in an overarching sense about all this is that humanity has been subjugated time and again in various empires and only squeaked through in some subservient form for the next oligarch to control. Even mainstream history admits this.
It’s pathetic. And we should be ashamed of ourselves.
The point is that none of this has to be. It’s simply a process of shaking these parasites off of the collective human body. It’s a very simple action based on a very simple awakened perspective and understanding. And it starts locally.
Say no. Disconnect. Disengage. Don’t feed their system. Rebel. Be your true self. Speak truth. Live consciously…and the hell with the consequences. Be free, truly free. It’s contagious as all get out.
It’s that simple.
Speak freely, act freely, communicate freely. All in spite of the socially manipulated constraints. Just do it, and face the consequences come what may. That’s living, that’s expressing your true self.
Then take it to them. Challenge their so-called authority. In supposed democratic institutions they are in place to represent our best interests. Are they? If not, hold them to it! What’s wrong with us for taking dictums from usurping entities of whatever sort? Are we not awake?
Do you sense an aspect of urgency here? You sure should. Our situation on this planet is dire, and if you haven’t found that out yet, you’re sleepwalking. Just look at the impending global “reset” they’re openly talking about. Look at our battered environment, poisoned food, air and water, global drives to vaccinate humanity with life altering drugs and monstrous wars and police crackdowns.
The situation is a call to action.
Build A Fire – The Time is at Hand
My intention is to get you fired up – ready for action – individually and even collectively. It matters. big time. If each person demonstrates conviction in what they say and do people pay attention. They may react differently but that doesn’t matter. Take it to them, in love and compassion, but in Truth.
The evidence is everywhere right now. Elites are even jumping ship out of the United States and other countries to safer ground the handwriting is so clear. If you haven’t made preparations in these clamped down societies you’re not paying attention.
If you want to make a difference and continue on doing so, you may want to consider relocating. Detachment can take on many forms and one of them is not being where you’ll be isolated and even incarcerated and thus seriously hampered from doing what needs to be done. It’s a very practical approach for anyone who wants to effect change and even live through all of this.
Take heed, take notice, and take action accordingly. Most of all, sound the alarm from whatever venue you have and act according to what you know is the wise decision to take.
We cannot continue on “business as usual”; it’s no longer an option. Take personal action or face the consequences. It’s your choice. Trust what you’ve learned to be true or suffer the consequences for your own inaction.
Not much more I can say on this.
Just be responsive. And have some guts.
Love always,
P.S. Feel it’s time to hook up with others of similar convictions? Go to and get connected and started locally. There’s no time like the present.
The post Last Chance Saloon appeared first on Zen Gardner.