Mac Slavo
Venezuela’s problems are sure to get worse before they get better.
Right now the nation, at the hands of socialist dictator President Nicolas Maduro, is headed for the bottom.
Weeks of rationed food and electricity, a shortage of basic necessities and spiraling inflationis taking its toll, and the regime is quickly descending into all out hell.
Now, people are beyond fed up with the conditions and are moving towards support for Maduro’s ouster… that, and they want to eat… food.
It is no laughing matter. Shortages have already prompted poaching animals and looting has become widespread.
The black matter trade of goods, which stores have struggled for more than a year to keep in stock and which are rationed tightly, is an important stabilizing factor for increasingly desperate people in Venezuela.
Long lines have been the norm. Food has been in short supply. But now a new degree by Maduro is forcing people to take ration delivers at their home, door-to-door, in order to curb black market transactions.
As AFP reports:
It was around noon when a food truck rolled up… But, to the fury of the long line of people waiting out front, the cargo wasn’t unloaded. Instead soldiers took it away.
“We want food!” the crowd roared in protest, to no avail. Some tried to run after the truck.
Under the state of emergency imposed by President Nicolas Maduro, the military, along with government-organized civilian committees, ensures that food packets are delivered door-to-door in order to — as officials say — cut out black market operators.
“Here in Guarenas there were revolutionary supporters. But now the people no longer want revolution — what they want is food,” she said.
“The people are going hungry. We are tired of lining up, of killing ourselves for just a carton of eggs or some bread,” she said.
As Joshua Krause noted in his recent article, Venezuela, while far from perfect, was nonetheless fairly normal only a couple of years ago. The collapse in oil prices forced the oil rich nation into position where it could no longer sustain its system of total socialism.
Two years ago, Venezuela was a normal functioning nation, relatively speaking of course. It was by no means a free country, but the people still had a standard of living that was higher than most developing nations. Venezuelans could still afford the basic necessities of life, and a few luxuries too.
If you’re a prepper, pay close attention to what happens next. What’s playing out in Venezuela right now is the kind of worst case scenario that many of us have been preparing for in the US. It should be very informative. It just goes to show that if you live under a corrupt authoritarian government that can’t manage its resources, all it takes is a heavy ripple in the global economy to send the whole system careening over a cliff.
The emperor in Venezuela is naked, no one there is under any illusions any longer, and the empire is falling. America, you could be next.
How are your leaders dressed, and vulnerable is society really?
Get your preps together, and don’t let it happen to you if it happens here.
Read more:
Collapsing Venezuela Is Out of Food: “Prepping Became Illegal”, Long Lines Mandatory
Venezuela, Socialist Paradise in Collapse: “Rationing Food, Toiliet Paper… Now Electricity”
Raw Venezuela: Looter Burned Alive, While “Streets Filled With People Killing Animals For Food”
Venezuela: A Prepper’s Nightmare Come to Life: “Pay Close Attention To What Happens Next”
The post Starving Venezuelans Fed Up: “We Want Food!” appeared first on Zen Gardner.