By freefall
It’s interesting to note that driverless cars are just around the corner. How befitting for this society.
Basically, I’m getting sick and tired of trying to wake up the brain-dead public while all I get are rocks thrown at me. There are people in my town that actually shun me in response to my monthly letters to the local newspaper. Such is the fate of those exiting the Samsara highway.
Those like me are the ones trying to get you to slow down and think about where you’re going. Many of you are nihilists using a Christian crash pad, worshipping two figures simultaneously with such diverse characteristics that when brought together create toxic effects that even the concepts of war and peace can be used interchangeably. Once you fall for that one, every other mind-control technique used upon you is a piece of cake.
As someone who cherishes liberty, I no longer obligate anyone other than myself to fight for my freedom. You need to fight for your own freedom by no longer blindly following orders handed down by Satanic psychopaths. Otherwise, we are going to be running into severe problems down the line, even worse than the atrocities that you have committed in their name thus far.
For those who wish to be my leaders, I choose to lead myself. You should try it sometime rather than being a bought-and-paid-for puppet of your money masters.
For those who run the various protection rackets that have been put in place to keep me “safe,” I will decide what goes into my body and what does not. I notice that you often do the same as many of you sell-out scum have refused to ingest the poisons that you unleash upon the public.
I’m tired of watching good people put their lives on the line in an attempt to wake you up. I’m really tired of them being harassed, harmed and even murdered by those who serve the same system as you do.
I no longer feel responsible towards what you hold to be in authority and choose to live by my own. Only under coercion would I do otherwise. The system that you serve no longer appeals to me, bringing much more misery into my life than whatever advantages their perpetual lies have promised.
I’m not voting for you assholes anymore. I’m not supporting the troops anymore. I’m not buying into your scams regarding healthcare, endless wars, banker bailouts, indoctrinated education, religion or anything else.
I’m going to find out for myself as much as possible as no amount of second-hand information is better than personal experience. I’m going to learn from these experiences without having to bounce it off of someone else as to its validity.
To all of you who are but one step away from the grave of worshipping Osiris, virgin mother Isis or any of the other dead gods, yuppies who laugh about knowing that 9/11 was an inside job as they trade up for their next Volvo, educators burning the right brain instead of books, legal drug pushers still burying their mistakes, order followers being the laughing stock of the criminals that they really serve, and various other cogs in the wheel of the machine devised for your own destruction, I really don’t know why my kind continue to waste their time trying to wake you up.
Fools like you have always been the ones responsible for the deaths of the very Saviors you still worship, if they ever existed in the first place. You’ll bow before any megalomaniac who throws you a bone towards money and power while those of much higher character are living in squalor.
As a matter of fact, there is often one reason and one reason only that I spend any of my time being a punching bag for your abuse, marginalized and ostracized for telling you the truth:
I used to be just like you.
In order to transcend Samsara, we must evolve in our own lifetime.
The post Exiting the Samsara Highway appeared first on Zen Gardner.